
Last updated June 17, 2024

        letters in parentheses indicate person we are selling them for


A CITIZEN OF THE EMPIRE (Klingon series by Cat Ramos) #1 A Citizen of the Empire, 60p, (SF), $3.00.
    #2 Chains of Love & Duty, 86p, (SF), $4.00.
    #5 Prize of War & Passion, 59p, (SF), $3.00.
A HANDFUL OF SNOWFLAKES and Other Trek Tales, stories by M.L. ‘Steve’ Barnes, 85p, (SW)(DB)(LB)(KR2)(KT)(PD)(PD)((JD)SW-'Souvenier Edition,' signed by Steve Barnes), $4.00; (ME2)(CH)(CP2), $5.00; (JCP), $6.00; (CW), $12.00.
A PIECE OF THE ACTION, STWelcommittee newsletter,  52 , 53, 93, 94 (final issue), 25¢@.
ALNITAH #1, 38p, (RST-reprint?), $1.00.
    #2, 44p, (CW-photocopy), $5.00.
    #5, 48p, (AA-cover tear taped up, restapled), $1.00.
    Omnibus #1, 42p, (AD), $2.00.
ALPHA CONTINUUM #3 (incorrectly says #4 on cover), 82p, (BK-3 hole punched, staples removed, cover is photocopy), $3.00.
ALTERNATE UNIVERSE 4 (a/u series of stories in which Kirk is courtmartialed & joins Lightfleet) #1, 62p, one-sided, (BT-stained last few pgs; unbound)(MB-photocopy?)(SD3-photocopy?), $2.00; (EA)(EA)(AB-unbound)(PH)(ESCA)(LB)(DB), $3.00; (RL2-unbound), $9.00; (JCP)(JCP-reprint)(CW), $10.00.
    #2, "The Debt" by Maiewski & Hall, 140p, (ESCA-back cover loose), $7.00; (LB)(SW)(EA)(EA), $8.00; (RL2-unbound)(JCP), $10.00.
    #3, 90p, (BK), $5.00.
ARCHIVES (reprints from other zines) #1, 92p, (PM-three hole punched), $5.00; (JCP), $6.00.
    #4, 64p, (PH-three hole punched)(DP3-sticker on cover), $3.00.
    #7, 122p, (JD-small stains on coves and an inside page), $5.00.
ARCHIVES LOG newsletter of Star Trek Archives, vol 2 #2/3, 33p, (KR2)(LS2-three hole punched)(AA), 25¢.
    vol 2 #8, 20p, (DJ), 25¢.
AUGUST TREK ‘80 (Augustrek Magazine #1), convention program and non-fiction articles, digest-size, 60p, (ESCA), $1.00.
BERENGARIA #5, 59p, (DP3-loose binding), $3.00.
    #6, 52p, (AB-unbound three hole punched), $3.00.
    #7, 61p, (US-unbound, light stain edge of cover, remains of sticker in corner), $2.00; (AB-unbound)(PH-2 hole punched)(AD-paint ‘spot’ on logo)(JT), $3.00.
    #8, 52p, (RL2-photocopy), $1.00; (BK), $3.00.
    #9, includes 1 orig, sf story, 196p,(LB)(PD)(LW)(US-no back cover)(PH-unbound), $10.00.
    Special (Best of 1-4), 162p, (PH-unbound, 3 hole punched), $6.00; (AA)(SW-unbound), $8.00.  [one of these is gone]
BETA NIOBE REVISITED, 98p, (LB-three hole punched-unbound)(RL2), $5.00.
BEYOND ANTARES (Australian) #1, 42p, (US-unbound photocopy), $1.00.
    #4, 46p, (US-unbound reprint)(US-unbound, missing cover), $1.00.
    #10, 36p, (RST-U.S. reprint, 3 hole punched, restapled), $2.00.
BROOKS, RAND, HENDERSON: summaries of 3 ST characters by Veronica Tracy, 10p, (SW), 25¢.
CAPTAIN’S LOG (U.S.-Richard G. Pollet) #9, 100p, (LW)(DP3-price sticker on cover)(DP3-price sticker on cover), $5.00.
CAPTIVES by Diana King, 160p, (LD-photocopy, no back cover), $2.00.
THE CASTAWAYS by Mary Louise Dodge, 75p, (LW)(JT)(US), $4.00.
THE CLIPPER TRADE SHIP (all include articles as well) #2, 20p, (SM)(GS-water wrinkling), 25¢.
    #11, 48p, (PH), $1.00.
    #12 (now digest-size), 32p, (US-2), $1.00.
        --see also multimedia--
CONTACT #7, 296p, (BK), $15.00.
CONTINUUM by Lois Welling, 29p, (DP3)(BK), $2.00.
THE CREWMAN'S LOG, Capsule 7 newsletter, Louise Stange as president, ditto, a set of these issues: a partial set, vol. 2 #8, 9/10. 11, 12, 13, 14/15, (US), all for $3.00.
CRYSTAL CONSTELLATION, 113p, (LD-front cover patrially loose, tape on spine, back cover loose), $6.00.
THE DANESWOMAN by Laura Basta, 91p, (ESCA-5th printing, cover missing), $1.00.
DELTA TRIAD #5, 239p, (DP3-rough edge two inches of cover, small cover edge tears because of oversized paper used), $12.00.
    Supplement #1, 100p, (RL2-photocopy), $1.00; (SD3-duct tape on spine)(SW-unbound)(RL2), $5.00.
THE DISPLACED by Lois Welling, 127p, (KT)(DP3), $6.00; (SB3), $7.00.
    #3, 60p, (SJ)(SW-unbound)(RL2), $3.00.
    #4, 81p, (SW-unbound)(SW)(AB-unbound)(RL2)(GO), $4.00.
    #5, 131p, (RL2), $7.00.
ECLIPSE by Wendy Rathbone, 50p, (CP) $3.00
ECHERNI: THE LIGHTFLEET LETTERS, 90p +26p appendices, (ESCA), $5.00.
EEL-BIRD BANDERS’ BULLETIN #1, 54p, (LB-three hole punched), $3.00; (US) $4.00; (CW) $5.00; (GO), $7.00.
    #2, 52p, (LB), $4.00; (CW), $5.00.
ENTER-COMM #5, 164p, (TD2-small edge stains on several pages; name written on contents page), $8.00.
ENTERPRISE, like Enterprise Incidents, articles, #7, (EC), $2.00.
ENTERPRISE INCIDENTS (James Van Hise)(articles--later issues have articles in other sf movies/TV), #1 [4], 6 [3], 7 [2], 8, 12 [2], (PA)(EA)(SW)(SD)(BB2)(DB)(LB)(KR2)(CW)(KT)(MC)(ESCA), $2.00@.  --see magazine listing for #17 on--
    Special Edition Spotlight Leonard Nimoy, (LB), $3.00.
    Special Edition Spotlight William Shatner, (LB)(SG2), $3.00.
    Special edition Spotlight on the Technical Side, (AA), $3.00.
EPILOGUE #1 by J. Lorrah, 80p, (MCR), $3.75; (SD3)(DB)(KR2)(LW)(SJ-unbound)(AB-unbound)(LMF)(DRB-slight water wrinkling)(ESCA), $4.00; (SW)(MB)(LB-unbound)(ME2)(RL2)(CP2), $5.00; (CW), $8.00.
    #2, 131p, (ESB)(KT)(LW)(LMF)(DRB)(B)(MM)(RL)(DP3), $5.00; (NH)(AB)(DB)(F)(PD)(ESCA) $6.00; (SW)(MB)(SD3)(SW)(RL2-loose cover), $7.00; (LB-unbound)(ME2), $8.00; (CW) $10.00.
FARTHEST STAR #2, 82p, (JD), $4.00.
FESARIUS #5, 213p, (ESCA)(JD), $11.00; (CP2), $20.00.
    #6, some Star Wars, 150p, (NB), $25.00.
FROM THE FILES OF STAR FLEET COMMAND by Admiral Nogura, non-fiction  fluff piece sold at conventions for a ridiculous price, mostly simple blueprints, 39p, (ESCA), $1.00.
FULL MOON RISING by Jean Lorrah, 98p, (ESCA-may be gone)(LD2-binding tape fakken off), $5.00.
FUTUREWINGS, 122p, (PA)(AB)(LW)(AD), $6.00; (JCP)(CW), $10.00.
FUTURE WINGS FLYPAST, 140p, (SD)(AB)(LS2)(SP), $7.00; (SB3), $8.00; (JCP)(CW), $10.00.
GALACTIC DISCOURSE #4, 228p, (JD), $11.00.
    #5, 256p, (BK)(JD), $13.00.
GAMES OF LOVE & DUTY by Susan Crites, Klingon novel, 170p, (ME2), $10.00.
GATEWAY (macabre stories) #1, 212p, (JT - poor shape but readable) $2.00.
    #2, 252p, (BK), $13.00.
GEMINI LYNX by Mary M. Schmidt, 150p, (DP3)(JD), $8.00.
GENESIS AFTERMATH by Joan Marie Verba, 55p, (JD), $3.00.
GRIP (should mostly be listed elsewhere) #5, 58p, includes SW & sf, (BK), $3.00.
    #8, 60p, (BK), $3.00.
    #9, 60P, includes SW, Battle Beyond the Stars, (BK), $3.00.
    #11, 60p, includes SW, (BK), $3.00.
    #12, 60p, includes SW, (BK), $3.00.
    #16, 68p, includes SW, (BK), $3.00.
    #17, 68p, includes a little SW, (BK), $3.00.
    #18, 68p, SW, Buck Rogers parody, (BK), $3.00.
    #19, 68p, (BK), $3.00
    #24, 68p, includes an Indy Jones story, (BK), $3.00.
    #29, 72p, includes a ST/STTNG story, (BK), $4.00.
    #30, 72p, ST & STTNG, (BK), $4.00.
    #31, 68p, ST, STTNG, original sf, (BK), $3.00.
    #32, 72p, ST, STTNG, (BK), $4.00.
    #40, 64p, ST, STTNG, Batman, QL, (BK), $3.00.
THE HONORABLE SACRIFICE by Bev Zuk, 93p, (JD), $5.00; (CW), $10.00.
IDIC (Lilker) #4, 64p, (LW-photocopy), $1.00.   
    #6, the "What If..." issue, 172p, (PH-unbound, 3 hole punched)(KR2)(RST)(BK-small edge tears), $9.00; (CP2), $15.00.
IN A DIFFERENT REALITY #2, digest-sized, 75p, (KG-reprint), $3.00. [may be gone]
    #4, digest-sized, 67p, (BK), $3.00.
    #5, 54p, (KG-reprint, $3.00; (PM)(GO), $4.00.
    #16, 82p, (CH), $4.00.
    #17, 86p, (MCR), $3.00; (LMF-reprint), $4.00.
    #18, 70p, (BK), $4.00.
INFINITE DIVERSITY #1, 84p, (AA-photocopy reprint), $2.00; (CW), $10.00; (CP-reprint), $5.00.
    #2, 102p, (CP), $5.00.
    #3, 66p, (LB)(LMF)(CP), $4.00; (CW), $10.00.
    #4, 128p, (AA), $6.00; (CW), $10.00.
THE INTERGALCTIC ETCETERA #4, 45 single sided pages, (US-writing in corner), $2.00.
INTERPHASE CALENDAR ILLOBOOK, collecting the Gayle Feyrer art from the two calendars, 14p, (BV), $2.00.
INTERSTAT #45, digest-size letter of comment zine, 16p, (ESCA), $1.00.
KOBAYASHI MARU, 138p, (JD), $7.00.
KRAITH COLLECTED (originally bound with brads) #1, 136p, (SG2)(LS2-unbound)(ESCA-light stains down cover’s edge), $7.00; (GO-unbound), $20.00.
    #2, 93p, (SW-unbound, tiny claw marks bottom edge), $4.00; (AA)(SG2)(HT-bound & taped)(SW-unbound)(ESCA-unbound), $5.00; (GO-unbound), $20.00.
    #3, 88p, (SW-unbound)(DJ-slight claw marks at bottom)(SW-unbound, tiny claw marks bottom edge), $4.00; (SG2)(LS2-unbound)(DRB-rebound with comb)(DRB-rebound with comb), $5.00; (GO-unbound), $20.00.
    #4, 120p, (AA-cover torn at brad)(B)(DRB), $5.00; (SG2)(DG)(AB-unbound)(LS2-unbound)(PH-unbound)(SW-unbound), $6.00.
    #5 Alternates, 118p, (B)(DRB-rebound with comb)(DRB-rebound with comb)(ESCA-stapled; wear arounbd edges), $5.00; (SG2)(AB-unbound)(LS2-unbound)(GO), $6.00.
    #6, 142p, (ESCA-unbound), $5.00; (AA)(SW-unbound)(SW-unbound), $7.00.
    Creator's Manual #1, 37p, (SG2)(SJ)(DG)(AB-unbound)(DB)(DJ-unbound)(SW-unbound, tiny claw marks bottom edge), $2.00; (DRB-comb bound), $5.00.
    Creator's Manual #1, 76p revised, (US), $3.00.
LEGEND’S END #1 by Martha J. Bonds, 188p, (BK), $10.00.
LNAF YEARBOOK     (Leonard Nimoy Association of Fans) 1975 Yearbook, 139p, (JW), $7.00.
    1977 Yearbook, 143p, (GO), $10.00.
THE MACHIAVELLIAN PRINCIPLE by Walter Koenig, not exactly Star Trek, a little play written for James Doohan, Nichelle, George, Kristie & himself, 7p, (DP3), $2.00 (ouch!  she had to pay $5)
MAHKO ROOT #1, 96p, (JCP), $10.00.
MAINE(LY) TREK #1, 110p, (BK-photocopy), $1.00.
    #2, 159p, (ESCA), $8.00.
MASIFORM D #5, 8p, (ESCA-unbound, three hole punched, name written atop cover), $5.00.
    #6, 94p, (GD-writing top of cover)(US)(CP2)(ESCA-price sticker in corner mostly removed, leaving slight stain), $5.00; (CW-photocopy), $8.00.
    #7, 90p, (AA)(ME2)(LLF)(DB-unbound, 3 hole punched), $4.00; (GD-title written at top)(SB3)(ESCA), $5.00; (LMF), $8.00.
    #8, 88p, (LB)(AA)(SW)(LLF)(DW)(LMF)(DB)(ESCA), $4.00; (RB) $5.00; (SB3), $7.00.
    #9, 106p, (ESCA), $5.00.
    #10, 114p, (ESCA-inch tear cover edge), $6.00.
    #11, 118p, (DB)(ESCA), $6.00; (CH), $7.00.
    #12, 108p, (DP3-back cover stain bleeds through last third of zine; reading copy), $3.00; (ESCA), $5.00.
    #13, 120p, (ESCA)(JD), $6.00.
    #14, 128p, (SW)(SF)(PH)(MM)(KG)(DP3)(ESCA), $5.00; (SB3), $7.00.
    #15, 120p, (PD)(DP3), $5.00; (KG)(LW), $6.00; (SB3-title written at the top), $7.00.
MENAGERIE  #6, 24p, (AB-unbound)(ESCA), $1.00; (RL2), $2.00; (CW), $5.00.
    #7/8-The Logical Conclusion by Paula Smith, 45p, (AD)(ESCA), $2.00; (CW), $5.00; (GO), $20.00.
    #9, 26p, (SD)(KG-three hole punched)(ESCA), $1.00; (CW), $5.00; (GO), $2.00.
    #10, 32p, (LS2-three hole punched)(AB-unbound, three hole punched)(KG-three hole punched)(RL2)(ESCA-restapled, small pieces out of edge back cover), $1.00; (CW), $5.00.
    #10, 62p, original ditto printing but very light, (AD-unbound, 3 hole punched), $2.00.
    #11, 35p, (AB-unbound, three hole punched)(DB-unbound, 3 hole punched), $1.00; (KG)(GO)(ESCA), $2.00; (CW), $5.00.
    #12, 31p, (PA)(PD)(SF-stain on cover near spine)(AB-unbound, three hole punched)(DB-unbound, 3 hole punched)(ESCA-price sticker in corner), $1.00; (KG-three hole punched), $2.00.
    #13, parodies of other ST zines, 30p, (AA)(DB-unbound, 3 hole punched)(DB)(PD)(PH-rebound, 3 hole punched)(US)(KG-three hole punched)(PD)(ESCA), $1.00; (GO), $2.00.
    #14, 33p, (DB-unbound, 3 hole punched)(US)(KG)(ESCA-unbound, three hole punched), $1.00.
    #15, 31p, (GO)(ESCA-small stain in corner), $2.00.
    #16, 33p, (PH)(, $1.00; (DB)(GO)(ESCA), $2.00.
    #17, 40p, (AB)(US)(ESCA), $2.00.
METAMORPHOSIS #2, 76p, (RL2-photocopy), $1.00.
MILLENIUM, 70p, (CW)(CP2), $5.00.
MORE MISSIONS, MORE MYTHS #1, 86p, (DJ)(LW)(RST), $4.00; (KT)(CP), $5.00.
    #2, 90p, (CP), $5.00.
    #3, 92p, (KT)(CP) , $5.00.
    #4, 132p, (SD3)(SW)(PD), $7.00.
    #4, 132p, the printing is completely messed with all pages there but weirdly out of order, (US), $6.00.
    #5, 109p, (DB), $6.00.
    #7, 110p, (BK), $6.00.
MORE TREK TALES by M.L. ‘Steve’ Barnes, 79p, (SW)(RL2)(LMF)(ESCA), $4.00; (CW)(E), $10.00.
NEVER & ALWAYS by Sue Glasgow, 36p, (CP), $2.00.
THE NIGHT OF THE TWIN MOONS by Jean Lorrah, 158p, (JT-loose cover, child scribble on last page), $7.00; (RB)(AB-unbound)(GO-unbound)(DP3)(LD2-lighht stains on cover, binding tape fallen off), $8.00; (DS), $9.00.
NOME #7, 412p, (JD), $21.00.
    #8, 388p, (JD-missing one fourth of cover due to fire that also scorched title page), $5.00.
    #9, 378p, (JD), $19.00.
    #10, 374p, (JD), $18.00.
    #12, 285p, (JD-missing back cover), $14.00.
NUAGES #1, large digest-size, 125p, (SD3)(SG2)(LMF)(B-unbound, three hole punched)(JT), $6.00.
    #3, large digest-size, 133p, (B-unbound, three hole punched)(DB)(BK), $6.00.
    #5, large didest-size, 182p, (US), $9.00.
OBSESSION #1, 90p, (ESCA-2], $5.00.
    #2, 113p, (ESCA-3)(DRB), $6.00.
    #3, 101p, (ESCA-2)(DRB), $5.00
OFF THE BEATEN TREK #2, 96p, (SG2-unbound, 3 hole punched)(SW-may be gone), $5.00.
ONE WAY MIRROR by Barbara Wenk, 251p, (DB)(KT)(EC)(BV), $7.00.
ONLY TREK #1, 202p, (SW)(PC)(ESCA-3), $10.00; (CW), $12.00; (EC), $20.00.
    #2, 134p, (ESCA), $7.00  [may be gone]
ORION (Randy Landers) #25, 107p, (BK), $6.00.  [gone?]
PEGASUS #1, 180p, (AB-unbound)(RL2-unbound, three hole punched)(F-unbound, three hole punched), $9.00; (CW-photocopy), $8.00.
PLAK TOW #2, 94p, (CP), $5.00.
PRECESSIONAL by Laurie Huff, 216p, (LMF-photocopy), $3.00.
PROBE #7 (vol. 3 #1), 80p, (BK), $4.00.
QUARTET, 86p, (AD) $5.00.
THE RECKONING by Fran Ball (not Star Trek, but based on Leonard Nimoy’s character in Baffled), 80p, (LB), $4.00.
THE REKINDLING by Fran Parker, digest-sized, 93p, (LMF), $4.00.
REPEAT MISSIONS (reprints from early Log Entries, etc) #1, 49p, (SW-photocopy reprint); (SD3-photocopy reprint), $2.00.
REUNION by Beth Carlson, 120p, (BK), $6.00.
REVENGE OF THE WIND RIDER by Roberta Debono, 149p, (AA)(LA)(MR)(KT)(US), $5.00; (CS)(LB)(PD), $7.00; (PM)(RL), $8.00; (CM), $10.00; (NB), $15.00.
REVOLUTION by Madelein Lee, 192p, (ESCA), $10.00.
RIGEL #2, 114p, (RL2-photocopy), $2.00.
RIM OF STARLIGHT #1, 68p, (CW-photocopy), $6.00.
SAURIAN BRANDY DIGEST #6 The Daneswoman by Laura T. Basta, 3rd printing, 91p, (PD-5th printing), $5.00.
    #7, 47p, (PH-3 hole punched), $3.00; (CW) $5.00.
    #12-Second Beginnings by M. Stuckey, 83p, (DB-unbound)(PH-cover stain)(KG-cover taped at brads), $4.00.
    #23, 59p, (SW), $3.00.
SECOND MILLENIUM, 70p, (CW-photocopy), $4.00.
SECRET AGENT: ENTERPRISE by Martin M. Bartel, digest-sized, 98p, (DP3-sm all stains), $3.00.
SHIP TO SHORE, digest-size, #4 (vol. two #1), 80p, (BK-stain from removed sticker in corner), $4.00.
    #7 (vol. three #1), 56p, (BK), $3.00.
SHOWCASE     #1, 224P, (DP3), $11.00.
    #2, 220p, (GMF), $12.00.
    #2, sixth printing, 185p, (BK), $9.00.
    #2, 7th printing, 185p, (DP3-covers stains), $9.00.
    #3, 142p, (SF-partly unbound), $7.00.  [originally held by 2 small brads]
    #4, 250p, (JT)(DP3-small stains), $13.00.
SIMPLE GIFTS by Claire Gabriel, 172p, (US), $10.00.
SOL PLUS #5, 109p, (CW), $8.00.
    #6 only, split off from #6/7, 92p, (LMF), $6.00.
    #8, 134p, (US)(US)(BK), $7.00; (CW), $9.00; (CH), $12.00.
SOMETHING HIDDEN by Sheila Clark, 66p, (CW-photocopy), $7.00.
SON OF MONOLITH, more cartoons by Michael C. Goodwin, digest-size, (SW)(DJ), $3.00.
THE SOURDANI JOURNAL by Lynda K. Roper, 112p, (LW)(DP3), $6.00.
SOUTHERN STAR     #3, 50p, (AA), $3.00.
SPINDIZZIE     #7-Kin Of The Same Womb Born by Rosalie Blazey, 110p, (CM)(PH-rebound, 3 hole punched)(SD3-duct tape on spine), $5.00; (JT)(CP-back cover loose), $6.00.
SPOCKANALIA #2, digest-sized, 112p, (PA)(BAS-latest reprint)(US-back cover stain)(US-wrinkled cover), $2.00; (SW)(US), $3.00; (CS), $4.00; (CW-small tear/fold)(?), $5.00.
    #3, digest-sized, 103p, (SW), $3.00.  [may be gone]
    #4, digest-sized, 112p, (LS2)(DJ)(KT)(SLD)(US)(US), $3.00.
    #5, digest-sized, 105p, (SW--cover half tanned)(SLD)(US)(US) $3.00.
(SPOCK'S SENTINEL)   [NOTE!  The Yearbook was published in 4 sections, usually found seperately.  Section 2 is "Convention Coverage, Personal Appearances, Star Trek Set Visits," Section 3 is "Welcome!"(listed under Mixed Media zines).  We have only these 2 sections.
SPOCKULATIONS 1973, 61p, (US), $3.00.
STARDATE (STAR Sacramento newsletter), #8 [4], 10 [4], digest-sized, 15-30p, 25¢@.
STARDATE (Randy Landers) #8, 116p, (BL), $6.00.
STARDATE UNKNOWN #1, 97p, (PH-3 hole punched), $4.00; (SW)(F-unbound 3 hole punched)(JT-reprint)(LMF-reprint)(DP3-4th printing), $5.00; (ME2-reprint)(AB-unbound)(DB-unbound, three hole punched) (DL-reprint, no back cover [blank]), $6.00; (DB)(RL-reprint), $8.00; (CW), $10.00; (EC-reprint), $15.00; (CP) $30.00.
    #2, 103p, (ME2-reprint)(DB-unbound)(F-unbound 3 hole punched), $5.00; (KR)(E), $10.00; (SW)(CW), $12.00; (EC-reprint)(CP2), $15.00.
    #3, 130p, (DP3)(F-unbound 3 hole punched)(PH-unbound [had been stapled on wrong side], 3 hole punched), $6.00; (LB)(DB--unbound)(JT-unbound, three hole punched)(EC), $7.00; (CW), $10.00; (LW-reprint), $11.00.
    #4, (SW)(EBS)(LB-3 hole punched)(F-unbound 3 hole punched)(JT-reprint), $5.00; (CW), $10.00; (CP2-unbound, three hole punched), $15.00.
               #5, 161p, (LB-3 hole punched, comb bound)(RST), $8.00; (CP2), $15.00.
STARDAZE #2, 93p, (CP), $5.00.
STARSONG, poetry, music & art only, 73p, (KF2), $4.00.
STAR TREK IV-THE TRIAL OF JAMES T. KIRK, story treatment by J. Flynn, semi-pro proposed outline for the 4th movie, 28p, (MB-photocopy, title pg crumpled), $1.00.
STAR TREK 74, 36p, (RF), 50¢; (AA), $1.00. [nonfiction by publishers of Trek]
STAR TREK CONCORDANCE (original Dorothy Jones version; seasons 1 & 2), 84p,
(US-small stain on cover) , $4.00; (SW), $10.00; (US), $25.00.
    SET: Seasons 1/2 & 3, (FW)(LB-5 hole punched instead of 3)(ESCA), $10.00; (SW), $12.00; (RL2), $17.00.
STAR TREK PRIMER, large digest-size, 18p, (LS2-back cover tanning), 50¢.
STAR TREK TRIVIA GAME BOOK #1, 30p, (LB), $1.00; (GO), $2.00.
STELLAR GAS #1, 67p, (JCP), $7.00; (CP2), $10.00.
    #2, 78p, (JT)(LW)(GO), $3.00; (PA)(EBS)(ME2)(LMF)(E), $4.00; (JCP); $8.00; (CW), $10.00; (CP2), $12.00.
STRAIGHT TREK, stories by Syn Ferguson, digest-size, 180p, (BK), $9.00.
SUBLIGHT READING #2, 138p, (SW)(BK), $7.00.
SUB-SPACE (Sacramento Valley S.T.A.R.) #4, 57p, (BK-second printing), $3.00.
THE THIRD VERDICT by Beverly Zuk, 132p, (JT), $7.00.
THRESHOLD by Fern Marder & Carol Walske, 112p, (ESCA), $6.00.
TIME WARP #1, digest-size, 120p, (ESCA), $5.00.
T-NEGATIVE, mostly the reformatted reduced size print reprints unless noted:
    #1, 20p, (SW-unbound, comb-punched on wrong side)(JW), $1.00; (GD), $3.00.
    #2, 20p, (ME2)(LB)(SW-unbound, comb-punched on wrong side)(JW-back cover loose), $1.00; (DB-full size 47p), $2.50; (GD), $3.00.
    #3, 15p, (JW)(MB-stains), $1.00.
    #4, 19p, (ME2)(AA)(JW)(SW-unbound, comb-punched on wrong side), $1.00; (AB-full size 40p, back cover loose)(US-full sized 40p)(RR-full size 40p, unbound, 3 hole punched)(ET-full size 40p, unbound, 3 hole punched), $2.00; (GD), $3.00.
    #5, 16p, (JW-cover tanning), $1.00.
    #6, 15p, (AB-full size 35p. unbound 3 hole punched)(LB)(SW-unbound, comb-punched on the wrong side)(US)(KG-3 hole punched)(MB-stains)(JW-edge tanning), $1.00; (DB-full size 35p)(ET-full size 35p, unbound, 3 hole punched), $2.00; (GD), $3.00.
    #7, 19p, (ME2)(KR2)(KT)(US)(AB-full size 34p, unbound)(SW-unbound, comb-punched on wrong side)(DB-full size 34p)(RR-full size 34p, unbound, 3 hole punched)(JW-full size 34p), $1.00.
    #8, 23p, (ME2)(AA)(KR2)(SD-unbound)(SW-unbound, comb-punched on wrong side)(JW)(DP3), $1.00; (SF-full size, 60p, no back cover)(AA-full size)(RR-full size 54p, unbound, 3 hole punched)(AD-full size 54p, unbound, 3 hole punched)(ET-full size, 60p, ditto, photocopy cover as issued, last pgs loose, covers wear & stains), $2.00.
    #9, 19p,(DP3-bad water stain throughout but readable), 50¢; (AA)(SW-unbound, comb-punched on wrong side)(AA-full sized, unbound, 3 hole punched), $1.00; (RR-full size 44p, unbound, 2 hole punched)(ET-full size 44p, unbound, 3 hole punched)(JW), $2.00; (GD-full size 44p), $3.00.
    #10, 23p, (KT)(AA-full sized, unbound, 3 hole punched)(SW-unbound, comb-punched on wrong side), $1.00; (DP3-full size, back cover loose)(AB-full size 56p, unbound)(RR-full size 56p, unbound, 3 hole punched)(AD-full size 56p, unbound, 3 hole punched, light)(JW-full size), $2.00.
    #11, 23p, (AA)(KR2)(US-2 hole punched), $1.00; (DB-full size 44p)(JW-full size), $2.00.
    #12, 21p, (AA)(KT)(AA?)(US-full size 44p, taped across staples, no back cover?)(KG), $1.00; (DB-full size 44p)(RST-3 hole punched, restapled)(JW-full size, 3” tear at staple), $2.00.
    #13, 23p, (AA)(AA)(KR2)(SD-unbound)(DB)(GS)(RST)(SW-unbound, comb-punched on wrong side)(KG)(JW-edge tanning), $1.00;.
    #14, 22p, (AA)(DB)(KR2)(KT)(SD-unbound)(SW-unbound, comb-punched on wrong side)(US-full size 52p, no back cover as issued)(JW), $1.00; (GD), $3.00.
    #15, 20p, (GS-last pg loose)(PD-unbound, 3 hole punched)(US-fullsize 40p, no back cover?), $1.00.
    #16, 22p, (LB)(AA)(DB)(KT)(AD-no back cover)(US-no back cover))(SW-unbound, comb-punched on wrong side), $1.00; (GD), $3.00.
    #17, 22p, (DB)(KR2)(KT)(ESCA)(SW-unbound, comb-punched on wrong side)(AD), $1.00; (GS-full size, no back cover)(US-full size 56p, no back cover)(RR-full size 56p, unbound, 3 hole punched, no back cover), $2.00; (GD), $3.00.
    #18, 22p, (US)(DB)(AD)(SD-unbound)(SW-unbound, comb-punched on wrong side)(ESCA), $1.00; (MB-no back cover)(AA-full sized, restapled)(AB-full size 50p, unbound)(US-full size 50p, no back cover)(DJ-full sized, unbound), $2.00; (GD), $3.00.
    #19, 22p, (DJ-full size, unbound, cover missing), 50¢; (AA)(KR2)(SD-unbound, 3 hole punched)(ESCA)(SW-unbound, comb-punched on wrong side)(US)(KG-3 hole punched), $1.00; (MB)(FW-full size)(AB-full size 44p, unbound, 3 hole punched)(DB-full size, 2" rip right side of cover)(AA-full size)(JW-full size, number written on cover), $2.00.
    #20, 22p, (AA)(LB)(KT)(SW-unbound, comb-punched on wrong side), $1.00; (MB)(DJ-full size [50 pages] unbound)(US-full size 50p)(DB)(GD)(JW-full size, cover tanning), $3.00.
    #21, 22p, (AD)(ESCA)(JW-full size, front cover waxy photocopy), $1.00; (MB)(AB-full size 50p, unbound, 3 hole punched)(SW-unbound, comb-punched on wrong side)(DJ-full size unbound, 3 hole punched), $2.00; (GD), $3.00.
    #22, 19p, (LB)(DB)(KR2)(AA)(PD-unbound, 3 hole punched)(SW-unbound, comb-punched on wrong side)(KG-3 hole punched), $1.00; (US-full size 38p)(JW-full size)
, $2.00.
    #23, 20p, (AA)(DB)(AD)(LB)(SD-unbound, 3 hole punched)(SW-unbound, comb-punched on wrong side)(ESCA), $1.00; (BS)(AB-full size 46p, unbound, 3 hole punched)(JW-full size), $2.00; (GD), $3.00.
    #24, 16p, (DB)(AD)(US)(SD-unbound, 3 hole puncxhed)(DJ-unbound, 3 hole punched)(SW-unbound, comb-punched on wrong side)(ESCA)(JW-cover loose, tanned, edge tears), $1.00; (GD), $3.00.
    #25, 16p, (LB)(DB)(LB)(AB-unbound, 3 hole punched)(AD)(AD)(SW-unbound, comb-punched on wrong side)(US)(ESCA)(JW), $1.00; (GD), $3.00.
    #26, 17p, (LB)(SF)(LB)(KR2)(DJ)(KR2)(ESCA)(PD-unbound, 3 hole punched)(SW-unbound, comb-punched on wrong side)(US)(JW), $1.00.
    #27, 16p, (DB)(LB)(SF)(SW-unbound, comb-punched on wrong side)(US)(KG)(ESCA)(JW), $1.00.
    #28, 18p, issued without back cover, (LB)(SF(LB)(AD)(DB)(JW)(AB-unbound)(US-3 hole punched), $1.00.
    #29, 17p, (LB)(DB)(SF)(LB)(KR2)(ESCA)(SD-unbound, 3 hole punched)(AB-unbound)(SW-unbound, comb-punched on wrong side)(US)(JW), $1.00; (GD), $3.00.
    #30/31, 30p, (SF)(KR2)(KT)(PD-unbound, 3 hole punched)(SW-unbound, comb-punched on wrong side)(US)(JW-tiny edge tears), $1.00; (DB), $1.50; (AD)(AA?-back cover loose), $2.00; (GD)(CW), $3.00.
    #32/33, 32p, (AT), $1.00; (DB)(KR2), $1.50; (CS)(KT)(AD)(US), $2.00; (GD)(CW), $3.00.
    #34/35, 34p, (CS)(DB)(US)(ESCA-no back cover), $2.00.
TO SEE THEE SMILE by Glenda Young, 72p, (RL2-photocopy(GO-one sided photocopy), $1.00; (CW), $10.00.
TO SHARE THE DAWN by Sue Glasgow, 84p, (CP), $5.00.
TOWARDS A STAR, digest-size, 82p, (BK), $4.00.
TRANSITION by Lois Welling, 156p, (PD-two hole punched, rebound), $7.00; (TP)(KT)(SW)(RL2)(DP3), $8.00.
TREK (Love/Irwin), non-fiction, # 2, newspaper format, 22p, (US), $2.00; (AA), $3.00.
    #11, 40p, (EA)(PH), $3.00.
    #15, 40p, (EC), $3.00.
TREKISM AT LENGTH #2, 108p, (BK), $5.00.
    #3, 262p, (BK), $13.00.
    #5, 228p, (BK), $11.00.
THE TREKKER COOKBOOK, recipes with some art, 80p, (BK), $4.00.
TREXINDEX, series of indexes of Star Trek fanzines, #1, 34p, (AD), $2.00.
UNDERSTANDING KRAITH by Judith Z. Segal, nonfiction, digest-size, 40p, (ESCA), $1.00.
UNLIMITED BELIEF by Susan Warvill, 45p, (BK), $3.00.
USS ENTERPRISE’S OFFICER’S MANUAL, bios, diagrams, 90p, (SW)(SD3)(SD3)(SW)(ESCA), $4.00; (C-VS-later square-bound printing), $15.00.
VARIATIONS ON A THEME #1, 44p, (ME2-cover loose, taped on)(ME2-covers covered in plastic)(CW-photocopy), $2.00; (SW)(AA-cover, 1st pg loose)(EC)(LMF), $3.00; (SB3)-unbound), $4.00.
    #2, 67p, (EC), $3.00; (SJ)(EBS)(ME2)(SB3-reprint, bound), $4.00; (LW-U.S. reprint)(LW), $5.00.
    #3, 64p, (F-unbound, 3 hole punched)(EC), $3.00; (SB3-reprint, unbound, 3 hole punched), $4.00; (CW), $5.00.
    #4, 79p, (SB3-reprint, unbound, 3 hole punchjed)(ME2)(BK), $4.00; (LW-U.S. reprint), $5.00; (CW), $6.00.
    #7, 68p, (EC), $4.00.
VAULT OF TOMORROW #1, 192p, (BK), $10.00.
    #4, 252p, (BK), $13.00.
    #8, 200p, (BK), $10.00.
VICE VERSA #1 by Simone Mason, a/u, 699, (ESCA-one sided photocopy), $1.00.
VOICES FROM THE STARS #1, 94p, (BK), $5.00.
VULCAN REFLECTIONS, essays on Spock and Vulcan, digest-size, 35p, (ESCA), $1.00.
WARPED SPACE: early issues were reprinted several times; no attempt made to determine which is which.    *note* We may staple together unbound zines if we have the time!   
    #1/2, 48p, (ESCA), $2.00.
    #3, 32p, (ESCA), $1.00.
    #5, 16p, (ESCA)(PH-3 hole punched), $1.00.
    #6, 20p, (AB-unbound)(DB-unbound, 3 hole punched)(US)(PH-3 hole punched)(US), $1.00.
    #7, 26p, (PA)(AA)(DB-unbound, 3 hole punched)(US-reprint)(PH-3 hole punched)(EA-reprint, unbound, 3 hole punched)(ESCA), $1.00.
    #8, 26p, ((AA)(AB-unbound, 3 hole punched)(DB-unbound, 3 hole punched)(EA-unbound, 3 hole punched)(ESCA), $1.00.
    #9, 26p, (PA)(SJ- 3 hole punched)(AA-reprint)(US)(ESCA), $1.00.
    #10 -- adult -- would be in adult listings if in stock
    #11, 30p, (ESCA)(EA-unbound, 3 hole punched)(DB-unbound, 3 hole punched), $1.00.
    #12, 26p, (AB-unbound)(DB-unbound, 3 hole punched)(AA)(ESCA)(US)(EA-unbound, 3 hole punched), $1.00.
    #13, 27p, (SD-unbound, 3 hole punched)(DB-unbound, 3 hole punched)(PH)(ESCA-unbound, three hole punched), $1.00.
    #14, 31p, (SJ)(AB-unbound)(DB-unbound)(AA)(PH-3 hole punched)(ESCA-first printing, name written at top)(ESCA), $1.00.
    #15, 28p, (ESCA), $1.00.
    #16, 28p, (AA)(ESCA), $1.00; (CW-unbound, 3 hole punched), $8.00.
    #17, 38p, (ESCA), $2.00.
    #19, 44p, (DB-unbound)(ESCA-unbound, three hole punched, price sticker), $2.00.
    #20 --  adult -- would be in adult listings if in stock
    #21, 44p, (ESCA), $2.00.
    #22, 68p (AB-unbound)(AA-reprint?), $1.00; (PD)(RST-partly unbound)(ESCA-unbound, three hole punched), $3.00; (DB-unbound, 3 hole punched)(PH-unbound, 3 hole punched)(GO), $3.50; (RH), $10.50.
    #23, 48p, (SD-unbound, 3 hole punched), $2.00; (DB-unbound, 3 hole punched)(PH-3 hole punched)(GO), $2.50; (CW), $10.00.
    #24, 64p, (SW) $1.00; (SJ)(SD-unbound, 3 hole punched), $2.00; (DJ)(DB-unbound, 3 hole punched)(PH-3 hole punched)(ESCA-unbound, three hole punched), $3.00; (RH), $8.50; (CW), $10.00.
    #25, 76p, (AB-unbound)(SD-unbound, 3 hole punched), $2.00; (PA)(DJ)(US)(PH-3 hole punched)(GO)(DB-unbound, 3 hole punched)(ESCA-unbound, three hole punched), $3.00; (RH), $8.50; (CW-unbound, 3 hole punched), $10.00.
    #26/27, 92p, (PH-unbound, 3 hole punched on both edges), $2.00; (LS2-tape on brads)(F-3 hole punched)(DB-unbound, 3 hole punched)(PH-3 hole punched)(GO)(US), $3.00; $5.00; (CW), $11.00.
    #28 & up--see Mixed Media
WARP FACTOR (Don Corson, editor) #2, 32p, (ME2), $1.50; (BK), $2.00.
WHEN LE’MATYAS SLEEP #1, 78p, (C-VS), $10.00.
WHO'S WHO IN STAR TREK by J. Townsley, non-fiction, one-liners as to what actor in what episode, plus some fans, etc., 1980, 38p, (AD)(LB), $2.00.
WHO WAS THAT MONOLITH I SAW YOU WITH?, digest-size cartoon collection by Michael Goodwin, (SW), $1.50; (SW)(PA), $2.00.
WHO WAS THAT MONOLITH I SAW YOU WITH?, Michael Goodwin cartoon strip collection, (LB- publisher-Clavius-loose covers-autographed), $1.00; (AD-publisher Heritage Publication), $2.00.
WINE OF CALVORO by Valerie Piacentini, 55p, (LMF), $3.00.
THE WISHBOOK #1 (The William Shatner Fellowship Journal), articles, 100p, (BK), $5.00.
ZAP! #4 (Seacon edition), 55p, (AD-covers have had plastic taped on them; one-sided photocopy), $1.00.

(Calendars listed here are filed in our calendar box)
ENTERPRISE 2004 CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 2-mostly sealed], $5.00.  [Okay, so it doesn't belong here.  But we don't have any Entrerprise zines & no Enterprise category!]
INTERPHASE PRESENTS ADVENTURES ON THE FICTIONAL PLANE, fan-produced 7 month calendar September 1976 - March 1977, Gayle Feyrer art, [Box 5], very good, corner fold, cover winkle and lightly stained along one edge, stains bottom of September, $3.00.
SHE-WARRIORS OF THE EMPIRE KALENDAR March 1996 - February 1997 [Box 5], fan produced Klingon calendar, art has come unglued from the pages, $3.00.
STARDATE DAY-TO-DAY 2002 CALENDAR (Andrews McMeel Publishing), includes all Trek series, ([Box 2], $5.00.
STARDATE DAY-TO-DAY 2003 CALENDAR (Andrews McMeel Publishing), includes all Trek series, [Box 6], $5.00.
STARDATE DAY-TO-DAY 2003 CALENDAR (Andrews McMeel Publishing), includes all Trek series, [Box 2-no box but still sealed], $2.00.
STAR TREK HISTORICAL CALENDAR 1985 by Tim Farley & Don Harden, [Box 2-sticker over price], $10.00.
STAR TREK HISTORICAL CALENDAR 1985 by Tim Farley & Don Harden, [Box 2-price blacked out], $3.00.
STAR TREK HISTORICAL CALENDAR 1985 by Tim Farley & Don Harden, [Box 2-slight wear], $3.00.
STAR TREK HISTORICAL CALENDAR 1986 by Tim Farley & Don Harden, [Box 2], $5.00
STAR TREK 1976 STARDATE CALENDAR (Ballantine Books), [Box 2][Box 6-tiny corner fold][Box 2-small corner fold][Box 2], $5.00.
STAR TREK 1977 STARDATE CALENDAR (Ballantine Books), [Box 6-sealed][Box 6][Box 2][Box 1-sealed][Box 6], $5.00.
STAR TREK 1977 STARDATE CALENDAR (Ballantine Books), [Box 6-slight wear], $3.00.
STAR TREK 1977 STARDATE CALENDAR (Ballantine Books), [Box 6-written in, wear around punch hole on cover], $2.00.
STAR TREK 1978 STARDATE CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 6][Box 1][Box 6], $5.00.
STAR TREK 1978 STARDATE CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 6-slight wear, small banged corner][Box 6-slight wear][Box 6-small corner folds cover][Box 6-small corner folds cover][Box 6-some cover wear, phone numbers written on 1 page][Box 2-slight wear, small banged corner], $3.00.
STAR TREK 1978 STARDATE CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 6-some wear, sticker removed from cover], $2.00.
STAR TREK 1979 STARDATE CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 6][Box 1], $5.00.
STAR TREK 1979 STARDATE CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 6-slight wear][Box 6-slight wear][Box 6-slight wear, banged corner], $3.00.
STAR TREK THE MOTION PICTURE 1980 STARDATE CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 1][Box 6][Box 6][Box 6][Box 6], $5.00.
STAR TREK THE MOTION PICTURE 1980 STARDATE CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 6-slightly worn cover, bent corner][Box 6-slight wear][Box 6-slight wear)][Box 6-slight wear][Box 6-slight wear, bent corner][Box 2-slight wear][Box 9-slight wear, small corner fold back cover], $3.00.
STAR TREK [THE MOTION PICTURE] 1981 STARDATE CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 6][Box 6-mostly sealed][Box 6][Box 1][Box 6][Box 2][Box 9], $5.00.
STAR TREK 1982 STARDATE CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 1-dusty][Box 9], $5.00.
STAR TREK 1982 STARDATE CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 6-corner fold][Box 6-slight wear][Box 6-some wear)[Box 6-slight wear][Box 6-slight wear, small corner fold], $3.00.
STAR TREK THE WRATH OF KHAN 1983 STARDATE CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 6-slight wear][Box 9-slight wear], $4.00.
STAR TREK THE WRATH OF KHAN 1983 STARDATE CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 6][Box 6][Box 6][Box 1-mostly sealed], $5.00.
STAR TREK THE WRATH OF KHAN 1983 STARDATE CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 6-bumper sticker stuck to cover], $1.00.
STAR TREK 1984 STARDATE CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 6][Box 6][Box 6][Box 6][Box 1], $5.00.
STAR TREK 1984 STARDATE CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 6-slight wear]Box 6-slight wear][Box 6-slight wear, back cover fold], $3.00.
STAR TREK III 1985 THE SEARCH FOR SPOCK STARDATE CALENDAR (Pocket Books), (LB)[Box 1-mostly sealed], $5.00.
STAR TREK III 1985 THE SEARCH FOR SPOCK STARDATE CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 6-slight wear][Box 6-slight wear][Box 6-slight wear][Box 9-slight wear], $4.00.
STAR TREK III 1985 THE SEARCH FOR SPOCK STARDATE CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 6-some wear], $2.00.
STAR TREK 1986 CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 1-slight wear][Box 6-slight wear][Box 6-slight wear][Box 8-slight wear], $3.00.
STAR TREK 1986 CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 9-slight wear, small tear edge of cover], $2.00.
STAR TREK CALENDAR 1987 (Pocket Books), [Box 1-sealed][Box 8], $5.00.
STAR TREK CALENDAR 1987 (Pocket Books), [Box 6-slight wear][Box 6-slight wear, tiny rip back cover],[Box 9-slight wear] $3.00.
STAR TREK CALENDAR 1987 (Pocket Books), Box 6-some wear, cover crease][Box 6-some wear, corner fold][Box 6-slight wear, corner folds][Box 6-slight wear, pinholes in corners][Box 6-some wear], $2.00.
STAR TREK 1988 CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 1][Box 2], $5.00.
STAR TREK 1988 CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 6-slight wear][SW-slight wear, tears at punch hole][Box 2-slight wear][Box 6-slight wear][Box 6-slight wear][Box 6-slight wear][Box 6-slight wear][Box 9-slight wear], $3.00.
STAR TREK 1989 CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 6][Box 6-mostly sealed][Box 6-sealed][Box 6][Box 6-sealed but small scape at punch hole][Box 6-sealed but tiny scrape at hole punch[Box 1-mostly sealed], $5.00.
STAR TREK 1989 CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 6-slight wear][Box 6-slight wear][Box 6-slight wear][Box 6-slight wear][Box 9-slight wear],  $3.00.
STAR TREK V THE FINAL FRONTIER 1990 CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 1][Box 2-mostly sealed], $5.00.
STAR TREK V THE FINAL FRONTIER 1990 CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 2-slight wear, back cover corner fold][Box 2-slight wear][Box 2-slight wear][Box 2-scrape/indentation at top][Box 9-slight wear], $3.00.
STAR TREK 1991 CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 2][Box 1-sealed][Box 9], $5.00.
STAR TREK 1991 CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 8-slight wear], $3.00.
STAR TREK 1992 CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 1][Box 2][Box 2-sealed][Box 9], $5.00.
STAR TREK VI THE UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY 1993 CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 2][Box 2-sealed][Box 1-mostly sealed but tiny corner ding)[Box 2-mostly sealed][Box 8][Box 9], $5.00.
STAR TREK 1994 CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 1][Box 2][Box 2][Box 2][Box 8][Box 3-sealed][Box 9], $5.00.
STAR TREK 1994 CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 2-crease near bottom], $3.00.
STAR TREK 1995 CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 1][Box 9], $5.00.
STAR TREK 1996 CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 1][Box 9], $5.00.
STAR TREK 1996 CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 2-pin holes around hanging hole], $3.00.
STAR TREK 1997 CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 2-sealed][Box 1][Box 2-sealed][Box 2-sealed][Box 9][Box 9], $5.00.
STAR TREK 1997 CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 3-slight cover wear], $4.00.
STAR TREK 1998 CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 1][Box 2-back cover fold][Box 9-sealed], $5.00.
STAR TREK 1999 CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 2-sealed], $5.00.
STAR TREK 2000 CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 1-sealed][Box 9-sealed], $5.00.
STAR TREK 2002 CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 1-mostly sealed], $5.00.
STAR TREK 2003 CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 1-sealed][Box 2-sealed], $5.00.
STAR TREK 2007 CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 1-sealed], $5.00.
STAR TREK 2010 CALENDAR (Pocket Books), [Box 1-sealed but for small scrape near upper right corner], $5.00.
STAR TREK 2013 SHIPS OF THE LINE (Universe), [Box 3- corner fold], $4.00.
STAR TREK 1997 STARDATE DESKTOP (Page a Day) CALENDAR (includes all series), [Box 2-box worn, slightly torn], $4.00.
STAR TREK STARDATE 2001 DAY-TO-DAY CALENDAR (Page a Day) (includes all series), (DJ-box worn at corners; inside not shrink wrapped), $3.00. [Box 9-]
STAR TREK STARDATE 2003 DAY-TO-DAY CALENDAR (Page a Day), (DJ-not shrink wrapped), $3.00. [Box ]
STAR TREK STARDATE 2004 DAY-TO-DAY CALENDAR (Page a Day), (DJ-no box, still shrink wrapped), $3.00. [Box 6]
STAR TREK STARDATE 2006 DAY-TO-DAY CALENDAR (Page a Day), (DJ-no box, still shrink wrapped), $3.00. [Box 8]

A PIECE OF THE ACTION, art by Susie Morton, (MR), $50.00.
ADMIRAL KIRK, art by Keith Birdsong, (LMF), $25.00.
AMOK TIME, art by Susie Morton, (MR), $50.00.
BEAM US DOWN, art by Susie Morton (1984 issue), (SW)(RM2)(KR2), $25.00.
CAPTAINS’ TRIBUTE (Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway), 30 Year Anniversary, art by Todd Threadway, (?)(LMF)(LMF), $25.00.
CHEKOV, art by Susie Morton (1984 issue), (SW)(KR2)(SG2)(JT2)(RM2), $25.00.
THE CITY ON THE EDGE OF FOREVER, art by Susie Morton, (MR), $50.00.
DEVIL IN THE DARK, art by Susie Morton, (LB)(MR), $50.00.
ENTERPRISE by Susie Morton (larger size), (SW), $35.00; (SG2), $50.00.
ENTERPRISE by Brad Birdsong? (1993), (JT2), $25.00.
DR. McCOY, art by Susie Morton (1984 issue), (SW)(FW)(KR2)(SG2)(JT2)(RM2), $25.00.
DR. McCOY, art by Thomas Blackshear II (gold rimmed) (1991 issue), (RM2)(LMF), $25.00.
JOURNEY TO BABEL, art by Susie Morton, (MR), $50.00.
KIRK, art by Susie Morton (1984 issue), (SW)(SG2)(JT2)(RM2)(KR2), $25.00.
KIRK, art by Thomas Blackshear II, (LMF), $25.00.
THE MENAGERIE, art by Susie Morton, (MR), $50.00.
MIRROR, MIRROR, art by Susie Morton, (MR), $50.00.
SCOTTY, art by Susie Morton (1984 issue), (SW)(SG2)(JT2)(RM2)(KR2), $25.00.
SCOTTY, art by Thomas Blackshear II, (LMF), $25.00.
SECOND IN COMMAND, Spock, Riker, Chaotay, Nerys, art by Todd Treadway, (LMF), $25.00.
SPOCK, art by Susie Morton (1984 issue), (SW)(SW)(FW)(LB)(SG2)(RM2)(SM)(KR2), $25.00.
SPOCK, art by Thomas Blackshear II, (LMF)(LMF), $25.00.
STAR TREK III THE SEARCH FOR SPOCK, art by Morgan Weistling, (KG), $35.00.
SULU, art by Susie Morton (1984 issue), (SW)(KR2)(SG2)(JT2)(RM2), $25.00; (RR-signed by George Takai & Susie Morton), $75.00.
TO BOLDLY GO WHERE NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE (not based on the episode), art by Drew, comes with sound chip, (SW-styrofoam container broken), $35.00.
THE THOLIAN WE$B, art by Jack Martin, (LMF), $25.00.
THE TROUBLE WITH TRIBBLES, art by Susie Morton, (MR), $50.00.
UHURA, art by Susie Morton (1984 issue), (SW)(KR2)(SG2)(JT2)(RM2), $25.00.
UHURA, art by Thomas Blackshear II, (LMF), $25.00.
THE ULTIMATE CONFRONTATION From Generations (Kirk, Picard, villain), art by Keith Birdsong, (LMF), $25.00.
    (one plate listed in Star Trek Voyager)

EIGHT CUP SET WITH SUSIE MORTON ARTWORK as used on the 1984 plates of Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Scotty, Uhura, Chekov, Sulu, & Beam Us Down, (LB)(KR2), $25.00; (MR), $40.00.

AUGUST PARTY ‘78, (US), $1.00.
CREATION & STARLOG PRESENT A SALUTE TO STAR TREK 1991 (25th  Annniversary), (FW-9), 25¢.
EQUICON 75/FILMCON 3, (US), 50¢.
GRAND SLAM (Creation) 1993, digest-size, (FW-11), 50¢.
GRAND SLAM (Creation) II, 1994, digest-size, autographed by 2 people, one of which is possibly Gates McFadden, (FW), $2.00.
GRAND SLAM II, 1994, digest-size, (JR)(FW-5)(LS2), 50¢.
GRAND SLAM III, 1995, digest-size, (LS2)(LS2)(US), 50¢.
RAND SLAM III, 1995, digest-size, autographed by Kate Mulgrew, (FW), $10.00. (with autographs)
GRAND SLAM IV, 1996, digest-size, (LS2), 50¢.
GRAND SLAM V, 1997, digest-size, (DJ)(SW)(LS2), 50¢.
GRAND SLAM VII, 1999, digest-size, (FW-2)(RF), 50¢.
GRAND SLAM IX, 2001 program book, digest-size, (LS2)(RF)(RF), 50¢.
IMAGICON ‘76, digest-size, (RF)(JAT-14)(US), 50¢.
INTERNATIONAL STAR TREK CONVENTION 1973 Program book, color cover, (US), $1.00.
INTERNATIONAL STAR TREK CONVENTION 1973 Program book, color cover (Sulu & Scotty), signed by James Doohan, D. C. Fontana, Hal Clement, David Gerrold, Issac Asimov, George Takei, only very good condition wityh small taped tear top of cover, a few things attached ionside front cover, (DJ), $75.00.  [with autographs]
INTERNATIONAL STAR TREK CONVENTION 1973 Commemorative book, digest-size, (DJ), $3.00.
INTERNATIONAL STAR TREK CONVENTION 1975 PHILADELPHIA commemorative book?, full size, (KR2-some wear, name written inside)(RF-cover worn), 50¢; (EA), $1.00.
PHANTASMICON ‘78, (US-3), 50¢.
SPACE... THE FINAL FRONTIER #2 (SPACE-CON Two, we believe), August 1976, digest-size, (LF), $2.00.
SPACE-CON Three (Feb. 1977), digest-size, (KR2-schedule pages have been written on)(LF-schedule pages have been written on), 50¢.
SPACE CON 6 Program book, Lela Dowling cartoons, (KR2-folded), 50¢; (LF), $1.00.
SPACE TREK II (St. Louis 1983), (US), $1.00.
THE STAR TREK CONVENTION 1976 (McCoy cover), digest-size, (LF), $2.00.
ULTIMATE FANTASY, Houston 1982, (EC), $2.00.

RECORDINGS (stored with calendars)
33rpm RECORDS:
    THE BALCONY, Caedmon Records, 3 record set of Jean Genet's play, starring Pamela Brown, Patrick Magee, Cyril Cusack, Colin Blakey & others; booklet included has photos from this cast and the movie version with Leonard Nimoy; some slight water damage to box and booklet, (LB), $10.00.
    THE GREEN HILLS OF EARTH, Caedmon Records, read by Leonard Nimoy, (BH)(LB), $5.00.
    INSIDE STAR TREK, Columbia Records, Gene Roddenberry, Issac Asimov, Mark Lenard, (LF-used, great shape), $10.00.
    INSIDE STAR TREK, Columbia Records, Gene Roddenberry, Issac Asimov, Mark Lenard, (LMF-used, untested; some wear to record), $2.00.
    LEONARD NIMOY: OUTER SPACE/INNER MIND, 2 disc compilation from earlier albums, (LB), $5.00.
    LEONARD NIMOY PRESENTS MR. SPOCK'S MUSIC FROM OUTER SPACE, (LB-disk worn), $1.00; (LB-jacket scraped on edges from removed tape)(LB-disc condition unknown as someone has re-sealed record; monophonic), $3.00.   
    LEONARD NIMOY: THE TOUCH OF LEONARD NIMOY,  (LB-used), $5.00; (LB-used, worn jacket), $3.00.
    LEONARD NIMOY: THE WAY I FEEL, (LB-sealed-19)(LB-used-3), $5.00.
    THE MARTIAN CHRONICLES, Caedmon Records, read by Leonard Nimoy, (LB), $5.00.
    STAR TREK: Four Exciting Action-Adventure Stories ("original stories for children inspired by Star Trek," three written by Alan Dean Foster): Power Records original issue of collected The Time Stealer, To Starve a Fleever, The Logistics of Stampede, & A Mirror For Futility with artwork on the cover, none of the regular actors were involved), (LB-used-2)(LMF-used), $2.00.
    STAR TREK: Four Exciting Action-Adventure Stories ("original stories for children inspired by Star Trek," three written by Alan Dean Foster): Peter Pan Records re-issue of collected The Time Stealer, To Starve a Fleever, The Logistics of Stampede, & A Mirror For Futility with a picture from Star Trek the Motion Picture on the cover (none of the regular actors were involved), (AA-sealed- 8)(AA-sealed but wrapping broken)(AA-used-2)(LMF-used), $2.00.
    STAR TREK: Three Exciting New Complete Stories: Passage To Moauv, In Vino Veritas, The Crier in Emptiness, Power Records, children's stories, no actors involved, (LB-used-2)(LLF-used)(LMF-used), $2.00.
    STAR TREK Book & Record set: A Mirror For Futility & The Time Stealer, Power Records, children's stories, no actors involved, (LB-sealed)(LB-used-2), $2.00.
    STAR TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN soundtrack, (LB-sealed), $10.00.
    STAR TREK III THE SEARCH FOR SPOCK Read Along Book & Record, Buena Vista Records, cover rubbed, (GL), $2.00.
    TWO SIDES OF LEONARD NIMOY, (LB-disc worn), $1.00; (LB)(LB), $5.00.
    WAR OF THE WORLDS, read by Leonard Nimoy, Caedmon Records, (LB-used)(US-used), $5.00.
    WILLIAM SHATNER "LIVE" 2 records set, (LB-used, name written on cover), $8.00.

45rpm RECORD:
    LEONARD NIMOY: "I'd Love Making Love To You"/"Please Don't Try To Change My Mind," (LB)(LB), $3.00.
    LEONARD NIMOY: reading "There Will Come Soft Rains" from "The Martian Chronicles," (KR2), $3.00.

    HALLEY'S COMET: ONCE IN A LIFETIME, narrated by Leonard Nimoy, unopened, $7.95.
VIDEOTAPE (stored with calendars)
    MIND MELD: SECRETS BEHIND THE VOYAGE OF A LIFETIME, Nimoy & Shatner talk about their lives & impact of Star Trek on them, (KT), $3.00.

THE BEST OF STAR TREK, DC Comics oversized paperback collection, (NT), $8.00; (ML2)(HO)(DB), $10.00.
COME BE WITH ME, poetry by Leonard Nimoy, (LB-4), $2.00; (SG2)(SG2), $4.00.
DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR, Titan Books graphic novel collection of DCComics, (NT), $8.00.
DEBT OF HONOR, hardbound DC 'comic book,' (BT), $10.00; (ML2-new -still shrink wrapped), $20.00.
GAMING - moved to GAMING listing on the website
I AM NOT SPOCK by Leonard Nimoy, Celestial Arts, (MB-worn)(RR-a little wear near top spine where a cat bit it), $10.00; (SG2)(KT)(SW)(SW)(TE), $20.00.
    DelRey/Ballantine Books regular paperback, (LB-cracked spine-2), $1.00.
THE MIRROR UNIVERSE SAGA, DC comics graphic novel collection from the comic books, (NT), $8.00.
MISSION TO HORATIUS by Mack Reynolds, Pocket Books' reprint of Whitman book, (KT), $8.00.
MR. SCOTT'S GUIDE TO THE ENTERPRISE, (HO), slight wear, $5.00.
MR. SPOCK'S TIME TRIP, Talking Viewmaster of the animated episode "Yesteryear," (KR2), $10.00.
OFFICERS OF THE BRIDGE, portraits by Kelly Freas, biographies by Carnes, 55p, (MC)(KR2)(LB-slight rubbing on cover)(RF-slight rubbing on covers, $5.00.
THE PRISONER OF VEGA by Sharon Lerner & Christopher Cerf, (Random House), illustrated children's book, (SM), $5.00.
THE PROMETHEAN PROPHECY, book & software game for the Apple II+, IIe & IIc, (US), $1.00.
ROMULAN BIRD OF PREY CRUISER BLUEPRINTS, envelope with folded blueprints, (KR2), $6.00.
STARFLEET BATTLE MANUAL (Game Science 1877), gaming, $3.00.
STARFLEET MEDICAL REFERENCE (Starfleet Productions), (SW), $10.00.
STAR FLEET MEDICAL REFERENCE MANUAL (Ballantine Books), (LB-scrape in corner from removed label)(LS2-plastic cover gone), $5.00.
STAR FLEET TECHNICAL MANUAL by Franz Joseph (the professionally published book), (diagrams), (SB3-good, no black binder wraparound), $3.00; (SB3-good)(KR2-Book Club edition), $5.00; (LB)(CM-20th Anniversary reissue)(SW-missing cover paper insert)(LB-missing cover paper insert), $10.00; (MC), $15.00.
STAR TREK ACTION TOY BOOK (Random House), punch out & assemmble cardboard toys, (SD3-some wear) $3.00.
STAR TREK ANNUAL 1974 (World Distribution), (ET)(SM-wear top & bottom of spine), $10.00.
STAR TREK ANNUAL 1976 (World Distribution), (SM), $10.00.
STAR TREK ANNUAL 1977 (World Distribution), (SM), $10.00.
STAR TREK ANNUAL 1978 (World Distribution), (SM)(EC)(B), $10.00.
STAR TREK ANNUAL 1978 (World Distribution), (SM), $10.00.
STAR TREK ANNUAL 1986 (World Distribution), (PH), $10.00.
STAR TREK BLUEPRINTS (Ballantine Books), (LB)(LB), $10.00.
A STAR TREK CATALOG (Grosset & Dunlap), edited by G. Turnbull, nonfiction, 160p, (FW-top cover wrinkled)(US), $2.00; (KR2)(KR2)(SW)(LB)(LB), $3.00; (PA), $5.00.
STAR TREK CATS by Jenny Parks, signed, (FW-2), $15.00.  [filed with Autographs]
STAR TREK CHRONOLOGY The History of the Future by M&D Okuna, includes STTNG, (SW), $7.00.
STAR TREK CHRONOLOGY The History of the Future by M&D Okuna, updated to include Star Trek First Contact, (US), $10.00.
THE STAR TREK COMPENDIUM by Asherman, 1981 blue cover Pocket Books, 187p, (MB)(LB) (LB)(LB)(D-corner fold)(KR2), $6.00; (EC), $9.00.
THE STAR TREK COMPENDIUM by Asherman, 1983 British Star Books, 194p, (LB), $10.00
THE STAR TREK COMPENDIUM by Asherman, 1986 red cover Pocket Books, 184p, (AD), $8.00
THE STAR TREK COMPENDIUM by Asherman, 1989 black cover Pocket Books, 184p, (SW)(HO), $6.00.
THE STAR TREK COMPENDIUM by Asherman, 1993 white cover Pocket Books, 182p, (CK), $7.00.
STAR TREK CONCORDANCE, Ballantine Books published version, (GS-very worn), $2.00; (KT-top & bottom of spine slightly scraped), $10.00; (LS2-tape on wheel's center hub; back cover scratched)(KR2-covers worn), $5.00; (LB)(LB-some wear, clear tape reinforcement on covers, slight coffee stains)(US-some wear)(LB-missing spin wheel on cover)(LB-sleight wear)(LB), $10.00; (SW-bookclub edition), $20.00; (MC-some wear), $25.00.
STAR TREK MAPS (Bantam), 4 detailed maps in folder with technical manual, (SD3 - cover wear), $10.00.
STAR TREK OFFICIAL WOMEN’S UNIFORM Pattern (Lincoln Enterprises), (AD), $7.00.
STAR TREK POSTCARD BOOK, (LB-2)(GL)(KR2-price sticker on cover), $5.00. [filed with calendars]
STAR TREK PUZZLE MANUAL, Bantam Books, (LB)(LB)(KT-some puzzles done in pencil that can be erased), $3.00.
STAR TREK STAR CHARTS, (B-corner fold), $7.00.
STAR TREK STICKER BOOK, The Seige, R.D. Products (Morris Sales), (LB-stickers put in)(LB-stickers in, staples out)-2, $2.00.
STAR TREK - TESTS OF COURAGE, DC Comics collection of comic book stories, (DB), $12.00.
STAR TREK - THE MIRROR UNIVERSE SAGA, DC Comics collection, softcover, (HO), $10.00.
STAR TREK THE MOTION PICTURE ANNUAL (Marvel/Grandreams), British Annual format to reprint Marvel's comic book adaptation of movie, (KR2), $5.00.
STAR TREK THE MOTION PICTURE - INSIDE THE ART AND VISUAL EFFECTS by Jeff Bond & Gene Kozicki, still shrinkwrapped, though a few small tears in the plastic, (US), $45.00.
STAR TREK THE MOTION PICTURE PEEL-OFF GRAPHICS BOOK (Wallaby), (SD3-some wear, cracked spine, small tear bottom of spine), $6.00.
STAR TREK THE MOTION PICTURE PROGRAM, (US-good; splitting at lower spine), $1.00; (MC)(LB)(LB), $5.00; (MB)(MB), $8.00; (FW)(FW)(EA), $10.00.
STAR TREK THE MOTION PICTURE - THE U.S.S. Enterprise Punch-Out Book (Wanderer), (SD3-slight wear), $6.00.
STAR TREK II THE WRATH OF KHAN AD, 4pg folded ad (2pg with movie scenes), (LB-10), 50¢.
(MC)(MP)(MP), 50¢.
STAR TREK II THE WRATH OF KHAN DIRETCTOR'S CUT flyer/press release for theaters, (MS-slight wear), 50¢.
STAR TREK II THE WRATH OF KHAN PROGRAM, (LB-very good, wear around edges), $3.00; (MC)(BV)(LF)(LB-slight wear), $5.00; (MB), $7.00; (FW), $10.00.
STAR TREK III THE SEARCH FOR SPOCK MOVIE TRIVIA (A Magic Answer Book) (Wanderer), (KR2-sealed), $2.50.
STAR TREK III THE SEARCH FOR SPOCK MORE MOVIE TRIVIA (A Magic Answer Book) (Wanderer), (KR2-sealed), $2.50.
STAR TREK III THE SEARCH FOR SPOCK U.S. movie Program, (MC)(US)(LB)(SG2-3)(AD)(KR2-small bent corner), $5.00; (SW), $8.00.
STAR TREK III THE SEARCH FOR SPOCK POSTCARD BOOK, (LF-cover wear)(KR2-crimp by lower staple), $3.00; (SW)(LB), $5.00; (PH2), $10.00.
STAR TREK III THE SEARCH FOR SPOCK STORYBOOK, (AD-cover wear), $3.00; (LB)(KR2)(AD), $7.00.
STAR TREK IV THE VOYAGE HOME credits program, (SG2-dented), 50¢; (CM)(MB-3)(FW-2)(KR2)(KR2), $1.00.
STAR TREK IV THE VOYAGE HOME fancy flyer (like program, with pictures), (US-2)(LB)(MB-4), $1.00.
STAR TREK - THE TOUR [stored in box RRR], souvenier book of prop exhibit tour that began in 2008, misbound: last 8 pages missing (of 48), replaced with duplicate first 8 pages; (ET), $2.00.
TESTS OF COURAGE (DC Comics Grapgic Novel), (RF), $8.00.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR LOVE, poetry by Leonard Nimoy, mini-book, (LB-4), $1.00.
THESE WORDS ARE FOR YOU, poetry by Leonard Nimoy, (LB-4)(KR2), $2.00.
TREK 25 - Star Trek 25th anniversary celebration by James Van Hise, (AD), $5.00.
THE TRUTH MACHINE by Christopher Cerf & Sharon Lerner (Random House), children's hardbound book, (KR2), $3.00.
U.S.S. CONSTITUTION CLASS BLUEPRINTS (Ballantine Books), missing product indentifying sheet, just the blueprints in the pouch they came in, thumbtack holes in corners of at least one of the sheets, (KR2), $4.00.
U.S.S. CONSTITUTION CLASS BLUEPRINTS (Ballantine Books), no pouch, only blueprint's #'s 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, & 12 of 12 loose, (GS), $2.00.
U.S.S. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE BLUEPRINTS by Michael McMaster, (DB), $5.00; (LB-envelope has tears), $7.00.
VINCENT - THE STORY OF A HERO, program for the one-man play starring Leonard Nimoy, digest-size, (LB-19), $2.00.
WARMED BY LOVE, poetry by Leonard Nimoy, (LB-hardbound)(SW-hardbound), $10.00.
WE ARE ALL CHILDREN SEARCHING FOR LOVE, poetry by Leonard Nimoy, (SG2), $4.00.
WILL I THINK OF YOU?, poetry by Leonard Nimoy (Celestial Arts), (SW)(LB)(LB-worn covers)(LS2-corner folds), $2.00; (SG2), $4.00; (LB-autographed*), $25.00.
YOU AND I, poetry by Leonard Nimoy (Celestial Arts), softcover edition, (SG2)(LS2), $4.00; (LB), $5.00; (LB-autographed-2*), $25.00.
YOU AND I, poetry by Leonard Nimoy (Celestial Arts), hardcover edition, (LB)(LB), $10.00.
YOU AND I, poetry by Leonard Nimoy (Dell reprint), (LB-corner fold, slight wear), $1.00.
YOU AND I, poetry by Leonard Nimoy - SPANISH EDITION "Tu & Yo", (LB-slightly damaged spine), $1.00.

*filed in autograph box

--have been moved to the Magazine section of the website

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