
Last updated June 11, 2024

    letters in parentheses indicate who we are selling for
ADVENTURES IN SLIME & TIME #1, QL, Real Ghostbusters, reprint, 87p, (KG), $5.00.
THE AGONY COLUMN #3SeaQuest, Tomorroe People (1990s), V, MV, STTNG/STDS9, 95p, (DRB-U.S. printing, cover slightly wrinkled,
ALPHA CENTURA COMMUNICATOR vol. 4 #3, club newsletter with SW story, digest-size, 10p, free.
BAD GUYS FINISH FIRST, mostly orig., with STTNG, Dark Shadows, Sesame St., Coyote & Road Runner, 130p, (US-small stain top of cover), $6.00.
BANZINE #1, DW, Buckaroo Banzai, B7, Kill the Dead, Kill the Dead/RGB, DW/B7, 127p, (KM2), $6.00.
BASELINES #4, ST, SW, original sf, BSG, ST/WWW, 108p, (BK), $6.00.
BELLEROPHON, (Star Klique clubzine with ST, original sf, con reports, non-fiction articles on sf films),
    vol 2 #2 (unbound, 3 hole punched), 20p, (PH), $1.00.
    Vol 2 #4, 28p, (PH-3 hole punched), $1.00.
CELESTIAL TOYBOX #18, Xena, MacGyver, Stargate SG1, MacGyver/Forever Knt, X-F, SW, X-Men/Spider-Man, the Shadow, Hercules, 344p, (CF), $17.00.
CHRONICLE #3, digest-size, DW, B7, 42p, (KM2), $2.00.
THE CLIPPER TRADE SHIP #13, ST, sf, ST/Lovecraft (conclusion), digest-size, 48p, (US), $1.00.
    #14, ST, sf serial part one, digest-size, 28p, (US), 50¢.
    #15, ST parody, sf serial part two, Questor article, digest-size, 36p, (US), $1.00.
    #16, ST/Lost in Space part one, ST, digest-size, 32p, (US), $1.00.
    #17, ST/Lost in Space part two, ST part one, digest-size, 36p, (US)(US), $1.00.
    #18, ST part two, My Favorite Martian/?, digest-size, 32p, (US)(US), $1.00.
    #19, fantasy, ST article, elfl tale, digest-size, 32p, (US), $1.00.
    #20, fantasy, Outer Limits article, digest-size, 32p, (US), $1.00.
    #24, ST/Inc. Hulk, fantasy, digest-sized, 36p, (US)(DJ-faded cover), $1.00.
    #29, ST, Quark, digest-sized, 32p, (SD)(MB)(US), $1.00.
    #37/38, ST/Blues Bros., sf, fantasy, digest-sized, 64p, (SD)(BH)(GP2), $1.00.
    #39/40, ST, fantasy, sf, digest-sized, 76p, (FW)(AD), $1.00.
    #44/45, ST, ST/Spider-Man, fantasy, digest-sized, 68p, (CS), $2.00.
    #46, DW, ST, digest-sized, 40p, (GP2-indentation from the back by chair leg), 75¢.
    #49, DW, ST, sf, Prisoner, SW, digest-size, 36p, (GP2-wrinkled), 75¢.
    #51, ST/SW cross, sf, digest-sized, 36p, (D)(SD), $1.00.
    #52, DW, Voyage Bottom Sea, ST parody, sf, digest-size, 36p, (FW), $1.00.
    #56, DW, Prisoner, ST, digest-sized, 36p, (GP2-slight water damage), 50¢; (VS2), $1.00.
    #58, ST, Prisoner, Buck Rogers, STTNG, sf, DW/St. Elsewhere, digest-sized, 60p, (MCR), 90¢; (D), $1.00; (CM), $2.00.
    #60, Wiz&War, STTNG, V, Prisoner, ST, DW, digest-sized, 36p, (GP2-very good), 50¢.
    #61, Voyage Bottom Sea, STTNG, DW, B7, digest-size, 36p, (FW)(LS2), $1.00.
    #62, DW, fantasy, STTNG, digest-sized, 36p, (GP2-slight water damage), 50¢; (SD)(LB)(FW), $1.00.
    #65, STTNG, Beauty&Beast, digest-size, 36p, (GP2-very good), 50¢; (GP2)(FW), $1.00.
    #69, ST, digest-sized, 36p, (GP2-very good), 50¢.
    #73, short B7, ST, digest-sized, 36p, (GP2-very good), 50¢.
    #78/79, ST, STTNG, Quark, B7, 68p, (US)(GP2), $2.00.
COMPADRES #1, Young Riders, AS&J, S&H, Lethal Weapon, Bordertown, AS&J/Dirty Dozen the series, Black Sheep Squad, WoW, RGB, Batman/Titans, Bill&Ted, Pros, Matt Huston, Wiseguy, Hard&McCorm, 348p, (ESCA), $17.00.
CRESCENT OF STEEL AND DARKNESS by Nina S. Smith, crossover of Without a Trace, CSI: NewY & Hellboy, digest-size, 139p, (DRB), $5.00.
    #2 -- see under WESTERNS
DATA ZINE, the bi-monthly listing of zines available at that time with some reviews,  #47 May/Jun 1987, 46p, (US), 50¢.
    #58 (1989), 46p, (KM2), $1.00.
    #59 (1990), 36p, (KM2), $1.00.
DISTORTED VISIONS -  cartoons, satire, & humor by Jody A. Morse, digest-size, #1, mostly ST with Batman, DW, Elfquest, Enemy Mine, Last Starfighter, 2001, Planet of Apes, Conan, etc., 78p, (US), $3.00.
    DOORS #1, RGB, Shadow Chasers, DW, Shadow Chasers/RGB, QL. (BK), $6.00.
ECHO #1, SW, Laredo, 25p, (GS), $1.50.
ERRANTRY #1, SW, RemSteele, B7, DW, UNCLE, Pros, 196p, (DJ-cover stain that bleeds through first few pages), $9.00.
THE ESSAY ONE HOLIDAY SPECIAL 1982, Christmas-rated tales, Remington Steele, Greatest American Hero, Voyagers!, Knight Rider, 32p, digest-size, (SW), $1.50.
FACETS #1, WoW, DW, STTNG, RGB, Houston Knts, 129p, (US)(US), $6.00.
FADED ROSES #1, B&B, Mozart, Phantom, 227p, (BV), $11.00.
FALCON’S LAIR, ST, SW, 1 sf, 78p, (US)(JCP-passages underlined)(DJ-unbound, 3 hole punched), $4.00; (CW), $8.00.
THE FANTASTICALLY FUNDAMENTALLY FUNCTIONAL GUIDE TO FANDOM For Fanzine Readers & Contributors #1, large digest-size, 56p, (EC), $2.00.
FELGERCARB #2, digest-size, mostly ads, some art, trivia, 1pg BSG, 18p, (DJ), 25¢.
    #4/5, SW, Green Arrow, BSG, Sp:1999, 42p, (DJ-small cocoa stain on two pages), $2.00.
    #7, DW/BSG, Sp:99, BSG, 58p, (DJ), $3.00.
    #8/9, B7 (nonfiction), Superman, sf, Man From Atlantis, Sp:99, DW/BSG, BSG, Buck Rogers (1 pg), 146p, (DJ)(US)(SW-unbound)(BH-no back cover), $7.00.
FOREVER #1, Forever Knight, Highlander, 154p, (DP2), $10.00.
FOR THOSE  WHO CAME IN LATE, short essays giving the essentials of many TV series (& movies) that fanfic has been written about, #1, 154p, (LLF), $5.00.
    #2, 154p, (F), $7.00.
FRAK #10, B7/Knt Rider, BSG, original, 32p, (US), $1.50.
    #11 - Tomorrow’s Already Here by Janet Ellicott, Tomorrow People, 33p, (US), $1.50.
    #15, The Campbells, BSG, 29p, (US-no cover?), $1.00.
    #24, EQ, BSG, Tomorrow People, SeaQ, 63p, (ST-covers partly torn at comb binding), $3.00.
FRAK: THE NEXT GENERATION #2, STTNG, 21 Jump, Starman/Powers of Mathew Starr, 39p, (CF-reprint), $2.00.
GATEWAY TO TIME #4, DW, B7, 161p, (KM2), $8.00.
GLIMPSE OF ETERNITY by Mel Hughes, Sentinel/Wiseguy/Highlander cross, 143p, (ESC), $8.00.
GUARDIAN #2, ST, SW, 202p, (SG2)(D)(CW)(SW)(SW)(AB)(DB)(LS2)(DJ)(F)(ESCA), $10.00.
    #3, ST, SW, 214p, (AB)(DB)(SG2)(ESCA)(SS), $10.00.
    #4, mostly SW, with ST, Indy Jones, 1 sf, 205p, (SW)(SW)(AB)(DB)(F)(SS), $10.00. [one has sold & needs to be paid off - who?]
    #6, ST, SW, Batman, UNCLE, 214p, (DB), $10.00; (ESCA)(SS), $11.00; (JCP), $12.00.
    #7, mostly SW with one ST, 280p, (ESCA)(SS), $14.00.
HALF YOU, HALF ME #1, ST, S&H, 130p, (BK), $7.00.
HEROES’ PLIGHT  #6, Stargate SG1, Due South, Sentinel, Garrison’s Gorillas, Hercules, 128p, (DJ-U.S. printing), $7.00.
THE JEDI RIDDLE by Cathi Brown, ST crossed with SW, 244p, (BK), $12.00.
JIHAD!, ST, SP:99, 40p, (AB)(SW)(US-rebound with brads), $2.00.
JUST FOR KICKS, Highlander, Highlander/Kung Fu TLC, Kung Fu TLC, Raven, Street Justice, Walker Texas Ranger, WoW, 182p, (BS), $9.00.
LATE NIGHT #1, S&H, BSG, M*A*S*H, SW, Voyage Bottom Sea, Great American Hero, 126p, (US), $6.00.
THE LAUGHING MUTOID #7, 60p, DW, B7, B7/Dark Shadows, B7/Twin Peaks, Dark Shadows, (KM2), $3.00.
LIONS & TIGERS & ZINES, OH MY #1, Airwolf, RGB, MacGyver, Road Warrior, Buck Banzai, Land of the Giants, Space Rangers, EQ, Kung Fu TLC,. QL, ALF, SW, Fantasy Island, Moonlighting/MV, 440p, (LF3-small stains on cover), $22.00.
    #4, ALF/X-F, S&H, RGB/Batman, EQ/Hghlander, Fantastic Journey, Jake & Fatman, RGB, Shadow/Batman Forever, 178p, (SW-slight cover damage), $10.00.
MAKING FANNISH MUSIC VIDEOS by Mary Schmidt, August 1997 edition -- pretty much outdated instructional guide, but a good how-to starting point, 25p, (KM2-wrinkled), 50¢.
THE MANIFEST #1, She-Wolf of London, Forever Knt, Shades of LA, Beyond Reality, original horror/paranormal, 144p, (SD2-back cover loose)(DRB), $7.00.
    #2, two volume set, Saph&Steel/Shadow Chasers, Shades of LA, She-Wolf of London, XF, RGB, ForeverKnt/Indy Jones, Tomorrow People,She-Wolf of London/Robin of Sherwood, 338p, (BK), $17.00.
    #3 Volume 1 only, SheWolf/Indy Jones, XF, Robin of Sherwood/Forever Knt, Tomorrow People, RGB/Highlander, 160p, (ESCA), $8.00.
MARGINAL ERROR  by Mary Jean Holmes, SW crossed with RGB, 142p, (BK), $7.00.
MEDIA RARE (1993) #2?, QL/Alien Nation, STTNG, B&B, Lethal Weapon, B7, Highlander, B&B/TNMT, 178p, (CK2), $12.00.
MELANGE #7, Rambo, the Master, Indy Jones, Apoc, Now, Dark Shadows, M*A*S*H, 57p, (LS2), $2.00.
MILLENNIUM FINALE, ST (8 stories), SW (3 stories), DW (3 stories), Dark Shadows (2 stories), Harry Potter, ST Voyager, Avengers (Marvel - 2 stories), 370p, (US), $28.00.
MISSION--PROFESSIONAL by Glenys Ross, Pros/M:I/ST, 54p, (SW-unbound photocopy), 50¢; (DJ), $4.00.
MONKEY BUSINESS, Planet of the Apes, Garrison’s Gorillas, 182p, KM2-water stain through right edge of zine, with green bleed through from covers first few and last pages -- all mostly in the margin), $3.00.
N!, Muppets, M*A*S*H, Star Trek, Mork & Mindy, Close Encounters, Emergency, S&H, The Champions, 94p, (SW)(SG2)(SD2)(US)(US)(NH), $5.00.
NIGHTBEAT #1, Beauty & the Beast, Twilight Zone-esque, original fiction, Midnight Caller, Nick Knight, In the Heat of the Night, digest-size, 52p, (EC), $2.00.
‘NOIDS ‘N ‘DROIDS #2, SW, sf, ST, 156p, (AB), $8.00.
OBSESSIONS, Dirty Dozen, Highlander, Houston Knight, Kung Fu TLC, WoW, Walker Tex Ranger, Shadowchasers, Stingray, 180p, (LF3), $9.00.
OF DREAMS & SCHEMES #3, ST, SW, BSG, IndyJones, Laredo, WWW, Bonanza, 154p, (BK), $8.00.
    #4, ST, WWW, AS&J, Laredo, Airwolf, Si&Si, DW, BSG, 160p, (BK), $8.00.
    #8, STTNG, ST, WoW, STTNG/B7, Garrison’s Gorillas, WWW, Young Riders, Rat Patrol, Houston Knts, Lethal Weapon, M*A*S*H, Si&Si, Batman, DW/Pros, RGB, 220p, (BK), $11.00.
    #18, RGB, Highlander/Tracker, Emergency, S&H, SW, Highlander, Secret Adventures of Jules Verne, 184p, (DRB)(DRB)(DRB)(DRB)(DRB)(US)(US), $9.00.
THE OTHER SIDE OF PARADISE #7, ST, SW, 126p, (AF-rebound after being stapled on wrong side), $7.00; (SW)(SG2), $9.00.
OUCH! #4, Riptide, AS&J, RGB, Stargate SG-1, S&H, Fugitive, 169p, (MCR), $16.50.
OUR FAVORITE THINGS #7, Alien Nation/QL (short), Starman, Shadowchasers, Ladyhawke, Batman, 98p, (LF3), $5.00.
    #23, Stargate, Starman, Touched By an Angel/The Master, LotR, RGB/Ghost Whisperer, 72p, (US), $4.00.
    #29, Stargate Atlantis, Capt. America/Hogan’s Heroes, Castle, RGB, 56p, (DRB)(DRB), $3.00.
PANNING FOR PYRITES, poems by Mary G.T. Webber with lots of art, poems from ST (4), Bladerunner (2), War of the Worlds, B&B (2), Hard&McC, Magnum PI (5), B7 (7), 52p, (SM), $3.00.
PHLEGETHON #1, ST, sf, fantasy, DS, SW, 53p, (CW), $5.00.
POT-POURRI, Highlander, Buffy/Sentinel, Hercules, Forever Knight, RoS, Lonesome Dove, DW/ Highlander, 218p, (US), $10.00; (SR), $15.00.
PROTOCOLS - A GUIDE TO THE WORLD OF FANZINES, nonfiction how-to guide to what to consider in putting a fanzine together in 1980, digest-size, 55p, (ESCA), $2.00.
QUASTAR #6, ST, STTNG, SW, 150p, (SW), $7.00.
RANDOM ENCOUNTERS #1, STTNG, Friday 13th, Friday 13th/MacGyver, STTNG/Teenage Mutant Turtles, 46p, (US), $2.50.
    #2, STTNG, Battle of Planets, 41p, $2.00.
    #3, STTNG, with poetry from other genres, 43p, (US), $2.00.
REMOTE CONTROL #20, RGB, QL, ST Voy, Mag7 ATF, Tremors/ID4, Queen of Swords, Emergency!, STDS9, MacGyver, Smallville, STTNG, Rat Patrol, 228p, (LF3, $11.00.
RERUN #2, M*A*S*H, DW, Baretta, Magnum PI, SW, Hill St Blues, Indy Jones, Knt Rider, 141p, (SD2)(US)(SS)(LF3), $7.00.
    #3, Si&Si, St. Elsewhere, Eddie & Cruisers, A-Team, DW, Rat Patrol, Indy Jones, 122p, (TD2), $6.00.
    #5, two volumes, Great American Hero/Hulk, ST, Rat Patrol, DW (sort of), B7, Magnum/Dynasty/Hulk, UNCLE, Airwolf, Knt Rider, Knt Rider/Hardcastle & McC, 312p, (SS), $16.00.
    #6, Monkees/UNCLE, Bionic Woman, Stingray, Dempsey & Makepeace, STTNG, Remington Steele, Beauty & the Beast, 168p, (BK), $8.00.
    #7, Airwolf, MacGyver, Riptide/6Mill$Man/Man From Atlantis, Pulaski, Shadow Chasers, B&B/Tattingers, 164p, (BK)(LF3), $8.00.
    #8, QL, STTNG, B7, Robin of Sherwood/Shadow Chasers, DW, B&B, Inc. Hulk, ST, 150p, (SD2)(BH)(KM2)(SS), $7.00; (CM), $8.00. 
    #9, ST, ST/Green Acres, Bionic Woman/Riptide, B&B, MacGyver, QL, 162p, (BK), $8.00.
SAFEHOUSE #1, EQ, Black Sheep Squad, B&B, QL, Tale From the Darkside, Sherlock Holmes, Monsters, Streets of SF, S&H, Lethal Weapon, Cagney & Lacey, 232p, (US), $12.00.
SCI-FI SPOTLIGHT (Bjo Trimbles sf/fantasy TV/movie newsletter, formerly Space-Time Continuum) #4, 46p, (RR), $1.00. [should be listed under magazines with other issues]
SHADOWS #2, mostly sf & fantasy, 1 ST story, 197p, (D), $3.00.
SHERWOOD TUNNELS #5, mostly Beauty & Beast and Robin of Sherwood; 1 B7, 1 Capt. Scarlet, 298p, (CP-cover creases), $15.00.
SLAYSU #1, ST, SW, Galactica, 70p, (SW-back cover loose), $3.00; (PH)(LW), $4.00; (MCR), $4.75; (DB)(DRB-covers enclosed in plastic), $5.00; (LS2-original 128p format), $8.00.
    #2, ST, SW, Galactica, 148p, (MCR), $4.75; (DB), $5.00; (NH)(F)(LW), $6.00; (SW)(LS2)(PH), $7.00.
    #3, ST, SW, Galactica (some adult), 81p, (CM-no back cover[blank anyway]), $3.00; (F)(SW)(LS2)(PH)(LW), $4.00; (MCR), $4.75.
    #4, ST, SW, Galactica (one adult), 90p, (F)(LW)(DRB-coversenclosed in plastic), $5.00.
    #5, ST, SW, BSG (some adult), 96p, (LW)(DRB-covers enclosed in plastic)(DRB), $5.00.
THE SONIC SCREWDRIVER #2, DW [3], B7 [1], 83p, (AD)(KM2), $4.00.
SOUTHERN LIGHTS #1, MV, Scare&MrsKing, TJ Hook/ST, SW, DW, Voyage Bottom Sea, Si&Si, ST, Indy Jones, B7, WKRP, KntRider, B7/DW, Airwolf, WWW, Rat Patrol, 332p, (SS), $17.00.
    #2, B7, MV, Master, Si&Si, Hill St Blues, A Team, SW, SW/Indy Jones, Rat Patrol, 277p, (SS), $14.00.
    #3, Indy Jones, B7, Silverado, Airwolf, A-Team, MV, UNCLE, Year of Living Dangerously, Si&Si, Black Sheep Squadron, 293p, (SD2-cover stained), $12.00.
SYNDI-ZINE #1, UNCLE, High Chaparral, UNCLE/Prisoner, Voyage Bottom Sea, S&H, Quark, Maverick, Lou Grant, James at 16, M*A*S*H, 105p, (ET)(SB2-reprint)(DJ-unbound, 3 hole punched, 2 black lines across cover from printing error)(US)(SS), $5.00, $6.00.
    #2 (Son of Syndi-zine), Rat Patrol, Monty Python, Time After Time, Altered States, Happy Days, S&H, Tenspeed & Brownshoe, Pigs in Space, Quincy, 174p, (DJ-unbound), $7.00; (SW-unbound)(F-unbound)(US)(SS), $8.00; (CF)(JW-restapled), $9.00.
    #3, Hill St.Blues, Heroes, DW, Great American Hero, Monty Python, QED, Those Lips Those Eyes, Dragonslayer, 124p, (MCR), $3.50; (PW), $4.00; (F)(KR)(SJ) $5.00; (AB)(SW)(DJ)(PH)(SS), $6.00; (JW), $7.00.
SYZYGY #1, Star Trek, MUNCLE, Dark Shadows, Blake’s 7, Battlestar Galactica, Voyagers, Professionals, original, 156p, (SM), $6.00.
    #2, Dragnet, B7, sf, ST/Hawaii 5-0, Prisoner, Twilight Zone, 158p, (SM), $7.00; (EC), $10.00.
    #4, ST, sf, Tales Gold Monkey, Dragnet, 130p, (SM), $6.00; (SB2)(US), $7.00.
TEXAS REVELATIONS #2, Superman/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, B7/SW, B7/Red Dwarf, Northern Exp/B7, MacGyver, Rat Patrol, 72p, (KB), $4.00.
TIMEFRAME #2, original, Gor, BSG, SW, 66p, (DJ), $3.00; (LS2), $4.00.
    #3, BSG, SW, sf, 70p, (SW), $3.00.
    #4, Voyage Bottom Sea, SW, 63p, (SW-small cover stain), $3.00.
TIME WARP #4, half SW, the rest sf, Buck Rogers/SW, ST, 148p, (AB), $7.00; (F)(JCP), $8.00; (C) $9.00.
    #5, mostly SW & ST, 1 UNCLE, 188p, (JCP), $9.00; (C), $10.00.
    #6/7, two volumes, mostly SW, with Buck Rogers, ST, Pros/SW, orig. superhero, Alien, Pros, 380p, (LG), $19.00; (F)(AB), $20.00; (JCP), $28.00.
    #6/7, first volume only, SW, Pros, ST, Alien, (BS), $10.00.
TRI*WAY #1, ST, Indy Jones, sf, Buck Rogers, BSG, 140p, (MCR), $9.75.
TV CHARIOT  #9/10, nonfiction on Galactica, SW, Land of Giants, UFO, Lost In Space, 35p, (NH)(US), $1.00.
TV SEARCH #19, Fail-Safe, Harrison Ford, the Monkees, 54p, (AD-corner fold), $1.00.
UPON A STAR #1 (says #2 inside on headers), DW, ST, SW, original, 87p, (RST), $5.00.
VISIONS #1, mostly SW, some ST, 1 sf, 96p, (EBS), $5.00.
WAR OF THE WORDS, multi fandom word search puzzle book with Leah Rosenthal cartoons, 95p, (KF2), $5.00.
WARPED SPACE #28, ST, SW, 52p, (DP3-crumpled cover with small edge tear), $1.00; (LS2)(AA)(RST)(PH-3 hole punched)(ESCA-unbound, tree hole punched), $2.00; (CW), $10.00.
    #29/30, mostly ST, 1 Klysadel, 113p, (KR2) (AB-unbound)(DB-unbound, 3 hole punched)(PH-unbound, 3 hole punched)(AA-restapled)(US-restapled, no back cover), $3.00; (CW), $12.00.
    #31/32, (SJ-unbound)(DB-unbound, 3 hole punched)(DJ-unbound, 3 hole punched)(AA-small claw marks at top)(RST-3 hole punched, cover torn at one punch hole), $3.00; (CW), $12.00.
    #33/34, ST, SW, Man From Atlantis, 98p, (AW)(LS2)(LS2)(SD-unbound)(CM)(US)(DB-unbound), $3.00; (CW), $12.00.
    #35/36, ST, Klysadel, 94p, (PH-unbound, 3 hole punched on both edges)(unbound, hree hole punched, price sticker), $2.00; (PA)(LB)(LB)(KR2)(SD-unbound)(AA)(F-3 hole punched)(CM)(DB)(GO)(ESCA), $3.00; (CW) $12.00.
    #37, ST, SW, 59p, (US-no back cover, stained edge front cover), $1.00; (F)(PA)(KR2)(AB) (SD-unbound)(LS2)(DB-unbound, 3 hole punched)(PH-3 hole punched)(GO)(DB)(GP2-3 hole punched)(AA)(US)(ESCA), $2.00; (CW), $12.00.
    #38, ST, SW, Klysadel, 99p, (SD-unbound)(LS2-3 hole punched)(KR2)(PH-3 hole punched)(F-3 hole punched)(DB)(DB-unbound, 3 hole punched)(DJ-unbound, 3 hole punched)(GO), $2.00; (LB)(PA)(AA), $3.00; (CW), $12.00.
    #39, ST, SW, Klysadel, 121p, (PA-front cover loose)(LS2)(AB)(KR2)(LS2-back over loose)(F-unbound, 3 hole punched)(DB)(DB)(GO)(DJ-3 hole punched, unbound)(AA)(US), $3.00; (EBS), $4.00; (CW), $12.00.  [one may be gone]
    #40, ST, SW, UNCLE, 109p, (KR2)(PA-missing back cover), $3.00; (F)(DB-unbound)(PH) (GO)(DB)(AA)(DJ-unbound, 3 hole punched), $4.00; (CW), $12.00.
    #41, ST, SW, 92p, (SD)(AB)(LS2)(PA-missing bottom inch of front cover)(F-unbound, 3 hole punched)(DB)(GO)(AA)(DJ-unbound, 3 hole punched)(US), $3.00; (CW), $12.00.
    #42, ST, SW, Klysadel, 101p, (PA)(LS2-stain on cover)(LS2)(F-3 hole punched)(AA)(PH)(US)(BS), $3.00; (CW) $12.00; (RL2), $17.00.
    #43, ST, SW, Klysadel, Prisoner, 97p, (AB)(LS2)(F-3 hole punched)(DB)(DJ)(SLD)(AA)(BS)(PH-rebound, 3 hole punched), $3.00; (CW), $12.00.
    #44, ST, SW, Klysadel, DW, 94p, (ESCA-rebound perfect bound with black plastic cover over front cover), $3.00; (GO), $4.00; (CW), $12.00.
    #45, ST, SW, 88p, (RST)(ESCA-rebound perfect bound with black plastic covers over cover), $3.00; (F)(DB)(BH)(AA)(RB-reprint)(GO)(US)(BS)(BS), $4.00; (CW), $12.00.
    #46, ST, Klysadel, lots of SW, 110p [most had pages 107-112 deleted in order not to offend LucasFilms], (PW)(CM)(BB2)(F-3 hole punched)(DB)(DB)(AT)(AA-pages intact)(ESCA)_, $3.00; (CW), $13.00.
    #47, ST, SW, Superman, 96p, (EBS)(LS2)(LS2)(BH)(US)(ESCA), $3.00; (F)(CS)(DB)(AT)(AA), $4.00; (NB) $8.50; (US) $6.00; (CW), $13.00.(DB)
    #48, ST, SW, 93p, (PW)(CM)(RB)(AB)(US)(GO)(PH)(AA)(US), $3.00; (AT)(DB)(DB)(PD)(F-loose cover), $4.00; (CW), $13.00.
    #49, ST, mostly SW, 98p, (AA)(US)(BS)(ESCA), $4.00; (CW), $13.00.
    #50, ST, SW, Remington Steele, 98p, (CM)(AA)(US)(F)(DP3)(ESCA), $3.00; (CW), $13.00.
    #51, ST, mostly SW, 98p, (PH-cover stain), $2.00; (F)(BT)(DB)(AA)(US)(ESCA), $4.00; (CW) $13.00.
    #52, ST, Ladyhawke, a lot of SW, 98p, (US)(ESCA), $4.00; (NB), $8.50; (CW) $13.00.
WELCOME, articles from various clubs on actors John Vivyan, Ruth Buzzi, Ed Ames, DeForest Kelly, Fred Phillips, Jimmy Doohan, Nichelle Nichols, actually Part 3 of Spock’s Sentinel (a club yearbook), 30p, (LB)(SM)(KR2)(AA)(SM-unbound 3 hole punched)(AA), $1.00.
WHAT YOU FANCY #2, Dark Shadows, Rem Steele, fantasy, The Master, Back to the Future, DW/Si&Si, 95p, (GS), $5.00.
WHO’S BLAKE #3, Beauty & Beast, Robin of Sherwood, B7, DW, 189p, (CP), $9.00.
    #4, B7/B&B, B&B, Robin Shewood, DW univese, 173p, (CP), $9.00.
WYNTER TYDES #2, New Avengers, X-Men, original fantasy, 41p, (US), $2.00.
    #6, New Avengers, Kzin-related, vampire, 43p, (US), $2.00.
ZOTLEY’S ZINE, ST, SW, fantasy, sf, 70p, (AB), $3.00; (GS)(US), $3.50.

A MEDICAL VIEW OF HURT/COMFORT, Reality vs. Fiction by Vonne J. Shepard, writing tool, graphic, 15p, (DJ), $1.00.
BLUEPRINTING THE SF UNIVERSES Folio Three by Shane Johnson, blueprints for Star Trek/Klingon communicator, Forbidden Planet/Krell Lock pedestal, Lost In Space/Laser Rifle, Star Wars/Darth Vader’s chest panel, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea/Flying Sub, Lost in Space/astrogator, (KR2-still sealed), $15.00.  [a check online has it listed for $24.00-$65.00]

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